Multidisciplionary approach to studying the Austrian-German folk dance "länder" in the formation of professionally oriented foreign language educational space

Keywords: foreign language, students, professional competence, multidisciplinary approach, intercultural approach, multisensory approach, movie, the Ländler dance, professionally oriented foreign language educational space


The author develops the process of forming professionally oriented foreign language educational space in the university conditions through the prism of philosophy on the example of the Austrian-German folk dance "Ländler" from the film "The Sound of Music" (1965, USA), in this way focused attention on studying foreign language in higher school.

Using the Ländler dance, the author graphically summarizes the coverage of educational disciplines (eighteen), which are involved in the consideration and studying Austrian-German dance, which has become a classic. As one of the means of interactive learning, the author considers the expediency of learning the Ländler dance with students, which stimulates their previously acquired knowledge of the speciality.





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How to Cite
Pet’ko, L. (2024). Multidisciplionary approach to studying the Austrian-German folk dance "länder" in the formation of professionally oriented foreign language educational space. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (54), 41-59.