Ethno-cultural component in the process of education in PRC Higher Education Institutions

Keywords: culture, China, students, ethnic culture, art, competence


   In times of general turbulence in the economy, politics and international relations, the search for optimal ways of mutual understanding and respect for uniqueness in its various manifestations becomes one of the main tasks for any country. The largest population on the planet lives in China and this imposes a certain responsibility on the political leadership of the country in the process of maintaining a balance of interethnic interaction and building a harmonious society where different ethnic groups and peoples can freely develop. The paper analyzes the works of leading scholars in the field of ethnocultural training and their vision of intercultural interaction. The paper uses theoretical methods of collecting and processing information in the context of analyzing the provisions of the ethnocultural component of the training of future professionals.Reasonable politics proceeds from an understanding of the causes and consequences of any phenomena, and in China they approach this with all thoroughness in terms of developing ethno-cultural interaction and inculcating correct behavior patterns in a multinational society. The history of ethno-cultural interaction in China has several thousand years, and this provides a wide field for research in this matter. An important factor in the gramonization of society is the instillation and formation of the necessary meanings in society. The Chinese educational system pays great attention to the ethno-cultural training of future teachers, especially those who are connected with creative areas such as music, painting, choreography, etc. The highest manifestation of these processes is the formation of competencies that will help future professionals on their path of development and influence in society. The entire education system in the PRC is aimed at the comprehensive development of the student’s personality and his awareness of his place in future activities.


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How to Cite
Baowen, L. (2022). Ethno-cultural component in the process of education in PRC Higher Education Institutions. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (50), 25-31.