Immersion in a foreign environment as an effective way of development of communicative competence in the process of learning foreign languages
The article considers the characteristics and analysis of the influence of a foreign language environment on a person in the process of learning foreign languages. The relevance of this research is connected to the fact that in recent years immersion in a foreign language environment has become increasingly popular all over the world due to the development of information and communication technologies. The article highlighted such concepts as "immersion in a foreign language environment", "sociocultural approach", "psychological aspects", "sociocultural adaptation", "language barrier", and also considered the effectiveness of immersion in a foreign language environment as a way of developing communicative competence. This article highlights the results of interviewing participants who at different time intervals and under different circumstances were in a foreign language environment and they had to answer ten questions regarding their experience, inner experiences and psychological difficulties that they encountered being in a foreign language environment. The respondents shared their impressions and expressed their view on the effectiveness of immersion in a foreign language environment as a way of developing communicative competence. Based on the results of the interviewing, the authors of the research highlighted important points that should be paid attention to and analyzed in detail.
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