Formation of professionally important qualities of the manager as the basis of his competence in the conditions of distance learning
Article considers the importance of professional training of students who will become managers in the future and will be the most important resource for the development of enterprises and organizations. It is also pointed out that the training of future managers should be carried out under any circumstances, regardless of economic crises or pandemics, as society in order to exist must produce material and intangible goods. It is noted that among the main reasons for the modern interpretation of the result of professional training in terms of competence / competencies should be noted: the presence of European and global tendency to integration, globalization of the world economy and harmonization of architecture of the European higher education system associated with the Bologna process; universalization of degrees, cycles of study, ensuring student and teacher mobility, international recognition of documents on education, the system of educational credits and their implementation; a certain terminological unification is also envisaged. However, we see that the basis of the manager's competence are professionally important qualities, which we interpret as special, specific to the individual subject of management activities properties, traits and psychologically determined characteristics that can harm the quality and effectiveness of this activity. Professionally important qualities have a direct impact on the effectiveness of professional activities. We add another parameter to the characteristics of professionally important qualities, namely – "quality of professional activity". A number of important professionally important qualities capable of properly forming the competence of the future manager are offered. In this case, these qualities can develop even with the use of distance learning. For their implementation it is envisaged to use certain forms of preparation and conduct of practical classes during the teaching of professional disciplines aimed at identifying already formed, or those that are just being formed professionally important qualities.
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