Features of forced quarantine distance learning
The article deals with the study of the concept of distance education and its features. It reveals the investigation of the difference between various forms of distance learning, their positive and negative features as well. A number of rapid changes due to the process of modernization have recently influenced mostly all spheres of human lives, including the sphere of education. In its turn, the format of distance learning has gained more popularity by virtue of being more convenient and thus efficient. However, in Ukraine there is still prejudice about non-standard forms of education; the majority of school students is unaware of the possibility to be educated differently, though the existing distance learning schools offer different options. Unfortunately, the changes in education have also been affected by the outbreak of an epidemic because of COVID-19, which made the countries all around the world, including Ukraine, revise the education system and propose its new formats. Our work aims at differentiation of standard distance learning, which can also be called individual study, from forced quarantine distance learning, singling out their pros and cons and forming a conclusion about which form of education is the most effective. The article includes a poll, the results of which are depicted on diagrams, illustrating opinions of Ukrainian school students regarding this issue.
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