Learning chinese using digital applications

Keywords: teaching methods, digital resources, digital tools, digital media, teaching process, online resources


In today's world, language proficiency is a necessity, which is why the introduction of innovative teaching methods, including digital resources, helps to improve the quality of teaching and foreign language proficiency among students. The aim of this study is to determine the level of professors’ familiarity on the oriental languages and intercultural communication department at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University with such online resources as trainchinese, PurpleCulture, GoogleClassroom, to analyze their awareness on the offered online resources and frequency of its introduction into the Chinese teaching process, to find out the correlation between mastering the material, raising interest, increasing students’ academic progress and adopting online resources to education.The experiment involved an anonymous survey (filling out a Google Form) among Chinese language teachers. The results of the study showed that all surveyed teachers are familiar with the functionality of the trainchinese and GoogleClassroom applications, while the PurpleCulture application is familiar to fewer respondents.  Therefore, it needs further popularization among teachers and students. Based on the survey, teachers of the Department of Oriental Languages and Intercultural Communication of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University made his own conclusions, which will help to make changes in the curriculum and diversify the process of conducting classes. The article analyzes the works of foreign scientists who studied digital technologies and mobile applications and their introduction into the educational process. The study focuses on learning Chinese using applications and platforms for personal computers, smartphones and tablets, presented on both the Android platform and iOS. It should be noted that the article also contains a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed online resources, the possibility of their use by students with different levels of Chinese proficiency. The article not only reveals the importance of using online resources, but also demonstrates all aspects of the implementation of digital applications in the educational process. All applications and platforms are recommended for educational programs with Chinese language learning.







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How to Cite
Nalyvaiko, O., Reznichenko, H., Kulakova, I., Kudaieva, O., & Bondarenko , A. (2020). Learning chinese using digital applications. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (47), 64-77. https://doi.org/10.26565/2074-8167-2020-47-08