Implementation of training for educators in preschool institutions for the musical abilities development in children aged 4-7 years

Keywords: system, implementation, training, future educators, preschool education, readiness to develop musical abilities in children


         The article deals with the essence and components of the training system for educators in preschool education institutions to develop the musical abilities in children aged 4-7 years, as well as with the features of its implementation in the educational process of preschool education institutions. Emphasis was placed on the essence of the «system» concept, the features of which are: structure, multilevel, hierarchy. The connection of this concept with the definitions of structure, integrity, subsystems was indicated. The methodology was based on scientific approaches to understand the essence of the future specialist’s training; the relationship between the components of the educator training structure; formation system for educational elements of training – to develop musical abilities in preschool children. The author isolated the elements of the system of training educators in preschool education institutions, to develop musical abilities in children aged 4-7 years. The components of the system in the study identified the following subsystems: conceptual-target, strategic-conceptual, design-content, procedural-technological, control-evaluation. The developed system is based on the principles of consistency and continuity. The scientific novelty of the developed preparation system for educators in preschool education institutions, which is designed to develop musical abilities in children aged 4-7 years, is the content filling of each subsystem, as the element of integral system. The conceptual-target subsystem is aimed at substantiation and actualization of the educators’ preparation system to develop musical abilities in preschoolers. The design-content subsystem reveals the content of future specialists’ education, aimed at the development of musical abilities in children aged 4-7 years, provides for the acquisition of new knowledge. Procedural and technological subsystem involves the implementation of certain rules at all stages of the future educators’ training process in preschool education institutions, technology development, improvement and quality control of training throughout the training period. The control and evaluation subsystem reflects the process of the educator readiness monitoring in preschool education institutions to develop the abilities in children aged 4-7 years; definition of criterion-level tools.





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How to Cite
Mkrtichian, O. (2020). Implementation of training for educators in preschool institutions for the musical abilities development in children aged 4-7 years. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (47), 43-50.