Peculiarities of interaction between a teacher and a student musician in online education
The article is devoted to the problem of interaction between a teacher and a student of musical education in the process of distance learning. The main tasks facing each teacher during the quarantine period are outlined, and the preference is given to the ability to master the techniques of conducting online music lessons using various Internet resources or platforms for maintaining feedback. The author gives examples of online piano lessons, which took place individually with each student in a convenient mode for them. Attention is drawn to the problems that arose during the implementation of team tasks. Particular attention is paid to the research work of applicants, which ensured their continuous participation in scientific activities throughout the distance learning. The result was the performance of a first-year student at an online conference of the piano department with a report on the peculiarities of the reproduction of the artistic image in a musical work, which ended with the performance of an instrumental lyric piece. The research work provides an opportunity to show analytical abilities, observation, concentration, flexibility of thinking, which helps student musicians to acquire skills of independent work for future professional activity, promotes the development and formation of their personal qualities. The proposed study focuses on the peculiarities of interaction between the subjects of distance education who took an active part in prestigious international competitions and festivals in the category of instrumental art, which were held online. The specifics of work on musical pieces are revealed, the main difficulty of which is the true reproduction of artistic images.
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Havrilova, Liudmyla H.; Ishutina, Olena Ye.; Zamorotska, Valentyna V.; Kassim, Darja A. Distance learning courses in developing future music teachers’ instrumental performance competence. URL :