Periodization of development of higher education in Ukraine (1991-2019)
Higher education is the basis of the intellectual and material well-being of the state. During 1991- 2019, a number of studies have been carried out, both theoretical and empirical, connected with studies of higher education in Ukraine. The genesis of higher education in Ukraine from 1991 to 2019 has undergone several important stages. The most important features of its transformations are the acquisition of features of national identity, the desire to integrate into the European and world educational systems with the maximum preservation of its identity, modernization of content filling. The analysis and generalization of historical-pedagogical sources gave grounds to determine the main stages and tendencies of higher education development in Ukraine. We used socio-political transformations, socio-economic factors and pedagogical concepts as the basis for defining the periods and, as a result, identified the following periods: I period (1991-2000) – formation of the higher education system in Ukraine; II period (2000-2005) – development in the context of stages and continuity; III period (2005-2014) – development in the context of the realities of the Bologna Declaration; IV period (2014-2019) – transformation of higher education. The materials of the conducted research allow us to characterize the selected periods. For the successful implementation of the processes of modernization of the educational sphere, legal regulation of this sphere becomes significant, which becomes a real tool for the development of national education. Since Ukraine’s independence, the higher education system has undergone significant transformations. Gradually, the legal framework of higher education of Ukraine was formed, educational trends were determined on the basis of national achievements and European experience.
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