Teaching methods to develop the computational skills in students of the college of mechanical engineering

Keywords: interac ve teaching methods, computa onal skills, professional competencies, engineering technology, students


In the paper the effec veness and advantages of interac ve teaching methods comparing with the tradi onal ones in the learning process during training of junior specialists for development of computa-onal skills as important competences of a middle-level specialist in machine-building produc on were substan ated. The structure of the prac cal ac vity of a machine-building specialist has been analysed. It was revealed that it will require him to have the crea ve and system skills that can only be formed through the condi on of maximal approxima on of the student’s learning ac vi es to the actual qualifica on re-quirements of a future profession based on a system of current teaching methods. Significant changes in the func oning of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine associated with the use of new technologies have been revealed, materials, equipment, and development of new industrial rela ons, and, accordingly, the presence of fundamentally new competences of college graduates. It has been established that cur-rent produc on needs the specialists who can quickly respond to the changes, make the op mal decisions using informa on resources, carry out the accurate, correct and visual mathema cal modelling, formu-late the tasks for programming technological processes using mathema cal descrip ons and calcula ons. From the analysis of teaching methods and the survey of teachers, it has been found to form the students’ computa onal skills it is advisable to use the ac ve, interac ve methods, as well as the independent work, which consists of systema c individual student consulta ons on a specific program and methodological support of independent learning ac vi es. Approaches to establish the criteria which are necessary for the op mal choice of teaching methods were developed. The importance of internal mo va on of teachers to raise their level of professional qualifica on for the forma on of readiness to work with new educa onal technologies and teaching methods has been revealed. Further direc ons to create the engineering stu-dents’ computa onal skills have been determined at the level of competence to consist of changing the content of advanced training for special disciplines’ teachers and approxima ng the content of classes to the professional ac vi es.


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How to Cite
Селезень, М. В. (2019). Teaching methods to develop the computational skills in students of the college of mechanical engineering. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (45), 65-70. https://doi.org/10.26565/2074-8167-2019-45-08