To the question of criteria, indicators and levels of linguosociocultural competence formation of foreign students–philologists.

  • Чень Чунься
Keywords: criteria, indicators, linguosociocultural competence, proficiency levels, students–philologists


The article is devoted to the problems of developing the principles of diagnostics for the formation level of foreign language communicative skills. The research object under control is the linguosociocultural competence of students– philologists – a professionally focused set of communicative skills in the sociocultural sphere. Pedagogical diagnostics deals with receiving the information about the state and development of a controlled object. Methodical principles of identifying criteria, indicators and proficiency levels of the Chinese students– philologists have been described on the basis of the research of the current problem study and the analysis of diagnostic parameters presented in normative documents. The criterion is understood as the qualitative description of the object, the indicator is its quantitative parameters. Criteria are supposed to be objective, unique, full, reliable and clear. Linguosociocultural competence formation level correlates with the language proficiency level. Linguistic, logical–semantic and psycholinguistic approaches to the determination of the proficiency level evaluation criteria have been analyzed. The author allocates gnosiological, operational, axiological criteria according to the components of the competence under analysis – cognitive, activity and personal. The additional acmeological criterion is applied to the assessment of the professional component formation level of all the mentioned competence components. The list of each component formation indicators of the competence is offered in the article. High, sufficient and low formation levels of the required skills have been described. The offered criteria, indicators and levels are the assessment tools of the components formation of linguosociocultural competence of the Chinese students–philologists who have finished training at preparatory departments and have mastered the Russian language at the B1 level. 


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How to Cite
Чунься, Ч. (2017). To the question of criteria, indicators and levels of linguosociocultural competence formation of foreign students–philologists. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 214-223. Retrieved from