Monitoring of professional formation of the future teachers of preschool education institutions the system of pedagogical education
The urgency of the problems caused by the article special role in the professional development of future specialist personality, his professional consciousness and successful future professional activities. The issue of professional development is the subject of careful study of modern science, so the problem of preparing students for future career is the most urgent task of education today. However, existing contradictions between past experience personal development and future development of professional skills, work culture, existing knowledge and skills of professional activity and the lack of experience of their implementation in practice two stages conscious of the self: I am a student masters the profession, and I –fahivets problems require monitoring professional development of future teachers of pre–school education system vyshivskoyi training. Materials of this paper highlight the results of monitoring professional development of future teachers of preschool educational institutions in the system of teacher education. Established that the professional formation of the future teacher kindergarten for teaching in higher education involves formation of students' positive attitudes to learning activities, the ability to plan and predict their own professional development, understanding their potential and willingness to develop professionally important qualities that have insufficient formation and the ability to mobilize all the potential to achieve personal goals of himself as a professional. The conditions under which the monitoring is the factor of professional formation of future teachers. It was found that monitoring is a factor of professional formation of the future teachers of preschool educational institutions subject to objective, systematic, humanistic orientation. The characteristic of work at successive stages of monitoring, which began preparatory, analytical and practical steps. Thus the solution of problems of the previous stage was the basis for the transition to the next stage of monitoring.
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