Developing moral and intellectual values in students in the education humanization context

  • А. В. Донцов
Keywords: pedagogical process, humanizing of education, morally– spiritual qualities, valued approach.


This scientific paper deals with the theoretical –&–gnosiological analysis of the problem related to the moral and intellectual education of students in contemporary conditions. Special attention is paid to the problem dealing with the development of the elements of moral and intellectual creativity in students. The development of moral and intellectual values in students is highlighted embracing the culture of intellection and mental work, moral–&–ethical and intellectual–&– creative demands, the moral awareness and the culture of feelings, including the inspiration of need for self–perfection through the involvement of students in the comprehensive self–education and self–discipline. Assumingly, the world outlook– &–value approach to the education may contribute to the cancellation of divergences between the criterion–evaluation component of the moral awareness of students and its correlation to the practical forms of educational and cognitive activities and behavior, when evaluating the system of moral and intellectual
values. The problem of neutralization of the negative influence of information communication systems on moral awareness of students is posed. The need for the enhancement of the educational influence of the institutions of higher education on the development of the culture of moral, intellectual and informational demands of students has been substantiated. Special attention is paid to the development of the humaneness culture of thought in students that is targeted at the formation of the firmness of moral and ethical purports and experiences. This is one of the priority areas of the development of culture of the information demand. The criterion–&– value approach is considered as a master line of the optimization and interaction of the moral and intellectual component and artistically esthetic component of the
educational process, which contributes to the integration into the awareness of students not only of the system of moral and spiritual values but also artistically esthetic values. This scientific paper gives the analysis of the correlation of the elements of individual and collective moral awareness that develop the world outlook and the value–oriented position of students. The importance of the optimization of moral self–analysis in students focused on their involvement in self–education and self–discipline and the formation of humaneness senses of educational and cognitive activities has been substantiated. Based on the analysis
of objective laws of the development of moral and intellectual values in students principal methodical demands to the choice of the content and organization of educational process have been substantiated and marked out.


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How to Cite
Донцов, А. В. (2017). Developing moral and intellectual values in students in the education humanization context. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 67-73. Retrieved from