Training and education in the nineteenth century in the educational institutions of the “new type”

  • О. В. Боченко
Keywords: humanism, democracy, nature conformity, self-awareness.


The issue of education and training of gifted children is relevant in Ukraine nowadays. It seems that this problem occurred before the pedagogy only recently. If we carefully peer into the past, we will find a solution to this issue, and at other times and in other countries. One such teaching and educational institutions in the XIX century was the Lyceum, located in Tsarskoye Selo. The names of his pupils
world–famous Pushkin, Leo, Kiichelbecker, Danzas, Korf and many others. Therefore, the aim of the article is to study the teaching process in the `establishment of conditions, which contributed to the development of talented and extraordinary people. Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo was opened as a training and educational institution of a new type of school for gifted children. This establishment is preparing for the civil service is widely educated people who have defended human rights and spread the world like the present heritage of humanity. The Lyceum of the charter were the following requirements: restaurant – closed
type, training course was divided into two, each in 3 years, training program was equal to a university course, vacation once a year, on June 1, a meeting with the parents – the holidays, the first issue had a period since 1811 to 1817 years (at this time of Alexander Pushkin and others studied at the Lyceum).In the ranks of the Lyceum in the first year it was decided, after the exams, 38 boys of 10–13 years.
Within 6 years of lyceum students studied mathematics, natural science, philosophy, law, economics, literature, art, German, French, Latin, Russian, logic, history, geography, religion, drawing, painting, military business; engaged in dancing, gymnastics, horseback riding, fencing, swimming and others. The task of the institution for gifted children: Promote the development of the individuality of
each, develop:– The talents and abilities of each,– Critical thinking, creative attitude to reality and life. A sense of self–awareness and responsibility, self– reliance, self–esteem, firmness of spirit, love for the motherland, aesthetic tastes, the ability to stand up for justice, truth, honor, dignity. The basic principles of training and education are: the principle of humanism, democracy, the nature of
compliance, harmonization, the principle of disclosure of positive mutual independence and activity, awareness, strength, and systematic sequence of freethinking. The main types of education: intellectual, aesthetic, moral, physical, patriotic. Lyceum slogan – "For the common good".


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How to Cite
Боченко, О. В. (2017). Training and education in the nineteenth century in the educational institutions of the “new type”. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (40), 28-33. Retrieved from