Nature–oriented teaching method as a tool for health protection of personality
The article deals with the issue of usingall of the capabilities of the human body as a living open energy–information system, capable of self–organizationin the educational process. This requires the use of such health saving methods in the pedagogical process that focus on the holistic development of human thinking, motivate and activate all potential of the personality.The article substantiates the
importance of applying the bioadequate methodology, developed by the Doctor of Psychological Sciences N. V. Maslova, which is based on natural human principles of assimilation of information. It is based on the alteration of action and relaxation periods, which creates thebestmodeforbrain working.It follows the principle of natural law, contributing to holistic human development and enhances its potential. The aim of this methodology is to motivate the training image as the microstructure of knowledge of the subject, to learn to think with images, to create a system of associative thinking, which allows in short time to master large
amounts of information and put it into long-term memory. As a result, the subject studied by this way is included in accordance with the natural information system of the human body – system of the higher nervous activity. In practice, this manifests itself in getting great results: reduced training costs, "ease" and consistency of the assimilation of information. Bioadequate method of teaching is a
set of coordinated actions the aim of which is the motivation and activation of integral dynamic thought–images for any academic discipline and skills of instrumental work with them. It uses a systemic organization of physiological, intellectual, mental functions of students. Conscious, systematic application of associative images in all disciplines creates a system of associative — that is, nature–conformable thinking. Bioadequate technique pays attention to education of thinking and consciousness of man and allows to acquire adequate knowledge of the mechanism of human thinking and practical ability to work in a system of
healthy thinking.
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