Evaluation criteria of the personal oriented classes
The article is devoted to the formulation of the evaluation criteria of the quality of the personal oriented classes. The author states that the ideas of personal oriented education, pedagogical conditions for formation of a school expectant teacher readiness to person oriented teaching, comparing characteristics of the traditional and personal oriented training are studied and proved nowadays, but the problem of the control process and the evaluation criteria have not been analysed and determined. As the function of qualitative and effective educational process organizing is one of the main ones for every teacher, it must be controlled and evaluated.
The author reasons the necessity of creating the list of evaluation criteria of the quality of the personal oriented lesson as most of the Ukrainian educators and teachers have already implemented the personal oriented ideas into their pedagogical process and their work needs analyzing and evaluating. Basic science approaches to the determination of qualitative characteristics of the educational process at a traditional and a personal oriented lesson are analysed and described. The results of semi theoretical studies of Ukrainian and foreign scientists describing the essence of certain characteristics of the described evaluation criteria are characterized. All the suggested criteria are reasoned from the position of personal oriented pedagogical paradigm. The author emphasizes the value of such criteria as openness, subjective experience, dialogue communication, individualization, emotionality, creativeness, motivation, self-organization and reflexing for the personal oriented lesson. The article expresses the personal position of the author on the appropriateness of certain criteria application for personal oriented lesson evaluation. Forward-looking point on the analysed pedagogical problem as creating a detailed step-by-step plan for evaluating and analysing the personal oriented lesson based on the suggested evaluation criteria is determined for further research.
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