Formation of the culture of sexual behavior in school and out-of-school work in the pedagogical heritage of O. Sukhomlynsky

  • О. І. Онипченко
Keywords: sex-role socialization, sexual upbringing, culture of sexual behavior, preparation for the family life, love


The author of the article reveals a unique contribution to the national theory and practice of sex-role socialization of children and adolescents, and the sexual education of schoolchildren in the second half of the twentieth century, an outstanding teacher, scholar, publicist, innovator-educator V. Sukhomlynsky. Without distinguishing sexual education in a separate direction, the teacher considered him in the multifaceted educational process of the public, schools and families, the preparation of children and adolescents for marital life, the performance of parental responsibilities, in particular the preparation of the girl for the mother role.

In his pedagogical system, a humanist educator has developed a consistent approach to the education of little girls – girls – women – mothers and boys – young man – man – father. The teacher warned the girls to be careful not to be ashamed to «take away» in search of a faithful and courageous partner of life. No less serious was V. Sukhomlinsky to the issues of upbringing of future men. Along with the sense of courage, patriotism, loyalty, the teacher considered the urgent need to educate the guys in a sense of deep respect for women and responsibility for their desires and deeds.

  1. Sukhomlinsky remained in the circle of his family consistently in solving the issues of sexual education. A lot of attention to the problems of sexual education was given to the teacher in letters to his own children. So, in the «Letters to the son» along with the problems of morality, ethics and aesthetics of human relationships, attitude to work, the author touches on the issues of education of the sexual culture of youth. In «Letters to Daughter» V.Sukhomlinsky reveals the ideal nature of the sense of love, responding to a fourteen-year-old daughter to the question «What is love?».

However, here and there the teacher does not bypass the issue of responsibility of the girl-woman for the fate of her love. According to him, a girl, a woman, a mother with a mother's milk must learn the truth that love is a responsibility, and just then – pleasure and joy. The aforementioned theoretical positions have been reflected in the practical activity of the teacher-innovator in Pavlyshii secondary school.

First of all, V. Sukhomlinsky developed a practical course «Parent Pedagogy», which consisted of carrying out with the parents of scientific conferences, assemblies, lectures on the main topics: from civil and moral responsibility of parents, preparation for maternity and parental responsibility, to the formation and maintaining a high sense of human love.

Secondly, the teacher developed the topics of conversations for parents with children-school students, starting with preschool groups and completing graduation classes. Yes, already in the preschool group are considered questions of moral preparation for marriage, the value of human love; in conversations for 3-4 classes the teacher touches on issues of the birth of a person, reveals the peculiarities of boys and girls aged 9-11; in 5-7 classes, along with the anatomical and physiological peculiarities of the development of adolescents, the need for communication between sexual and moral education, the upbringing of the culture of desires; in 8-10 classes V. Sukhomlinsky proposes to consider the unity of physical, moral, social and sexual maturity, the unity of moral, aesthetic, emotional and sexual education of boys and girls.

Thirdly, conversations with personally-intimate orientation were conducted directly with the students (senior grades). Thus, in the plan of Pavlizky high school work for the 1970-1971 academic year for grades 8-10 it was planned to hold an optional course «Love. Marriage. Family», at which the students addressed the following issues: Love as a human feeling; love – the beginning of marriage, family, parenthood, motherhood; duty, loyalty and loyalty in love. etc.

Therefore, the mission of the school is to educate a person in a harmonious unity: a citizen and a worker, a loving and faithful spouses, mother-father, since everyone will have to be husbands and wives, fathers and mothers.


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How to Cite
Онипченко, О. І. (2019). Formation of the culture of sexual behavior in school and out-of-school work in the pedagogical heritage of O. Sukhomlynsky. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (44), 217-229. Retrieved from