Peculiarities of diagnostics of muscle spasticity in children of early age with central pares

  • М. Д. Мога
Keywords: spasticity, hypertonus, diagnostics, tonometry, central paresis, children of early age, game testing


The article describes the main methods of diagnosing the presence of spasticity in the muscles of the trunk and limbs, as well as the degree of its severity in a particular muscle group. First, the main modern medical methods for determining the degree of spasticity of muscles from fairly subjective (on the Ashworth scale) (Modified Ashworth Scale for Grading Spasticity) were analyzed, when the diagnostician himself should feel the degree of muscular resistance when the patient performs the movements (which can vary in a fairly wide range). personal sensations) in instrumental, instrumental, based on the use of technical devices. First of all, it concerns the method of muscle tonometry, which, according to the principle of action of the tonometer, is divided into two types: static and dynamic. The possibilities of muscular electromyography, which is relatively difficult from a technical point of view, were also considered using the special “Miakoma” myograph. The transformation of methods for diagnosing muscle spasticity from purely medical methods that are inaccessible to most teachers to more acceptable in mass practice pre-school pedagogical and rehabilitation institutions is shown. This refers to the method of manual muscle testing by the method of palpation. It is used to evaluate the ability of a muscle to respond by increasing excitation to stretching its abdomen, which also requires special medical professional skills. In addition, in relation to young children with spastic forms of paresis, all these medical techniques are only partially suitable for organizing the relevant special conditions. The description of game techniques looks more attractive, with which not only a trained medical specialist can work, but also a pedagogical worker, as well as parents of children. First of all, this refers to the author's pedagogical tests of N. N. Efimenko, designed to identify the features of muscle tone in both the upper and lower extremities of children with the help of available motor-game tasks, to which children are positive. An improved method of tonic muscle diagnostics is presented, tested in the practice of remedial physical education of preschoolers with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

In the article, an attempt was made to search for optimal options for diagnosing pathological muscle hypertonia in young children with spastic forms of paresis, both using medical instrumental methods and using the potential of pedagogical methods of game testing of children


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How to Cite
Мога, М. Д. (2019). Peculiarities of diagnostics of muscle spasticity in children of early age with central pares. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (44), 190-205. Retrieved from