The formation of creative personality on the lessons of choral conducting

  • І. М. Коржавих
  • Л. В. Юришева
  • І. Є. Литвинова
Keywords: conductor practice, conductor art, musical pedagogics, musical figure, self- activity, performing identity, pedagogical mastery


The article deals with issues related to the formation of students' creative skills in choral conducting classes, independent training of students for performing musical works. The main methods and techniques for the development of creative thinking, creative imagination, development of emotional reactions and performing skills, basic methods of formation of creative skills in future conductors are offered. The positive aspects of individual classes in the class of choral conducting and independent work of students are revealed. A pedagogical analysis of the conditions contributing to the formation of a creative personality in conducting lessons is carried out.

The education of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks that faces musical pedagogy. Solving this problem requires identifying the educational potential of each discipline, including the subject «Choir conducting», designed to facilitate mastering students professional pedagogical skills, conducting art, as well as the development of creative thinking, independent activities and leadership skills of students.

The main task in the conducting class is the formation of professional knowledge and skills that allow conducting vocal and choral work, thus contributing to the preparation of students for independent work as a conductor of the choir. Classes include various types of educational work: performance of the musical score, intonational mastering of music, analysis and conducting of choral works.

Professional qualities of future conductors consist of natural giftedness and special training. The components of natural giftedness are, first of all, pronounced musicality, developed rumor, volitional, flexible and stable sense of rhythm, dynamics and overall balance,uptime musical memory, excellent psychomotor abilities, as well as rapid reaction, endurance, focused attention.

The system of preparation of future conductors is aimed at theoretical understanding of the essence of the educational process in higher education institutions. To resolve this issue it is necessary to pay much attention to the professionally necessary qualities of the individual, which would provide a good level of professionalism, creative activity and readiness of the future musician for conducting and choir activity.


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How to Cite
Коржавих, І. М., Юришева, Л. В., & Литвинова, І. Є. (2018). The formation of creative personality on the lessons of choral conducting. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (42). Retrieved from