Distribution of air temperature in the territory of Ukraine against the background of current climate changes

Keywords: air temperature, climate change, climate monitoring, regional climate, adaptation to climate change


Monitoring climatic studies of the territory helps us to establish the peculiarities of the temperature regime, to find out the indicators of the frequency and intensity of extreme weather phenomena, inherent in modern climatic conditions. The study of their trends and the variability of spatial-temporal features remain a priority area of hydrometeorological scientific and practical research.

The aim of the article is to study the patterns of air temperature distribution in the territory of Ukraine for two thirty-year periods (1991-2020, 1961-1990).

Main material. World and domestic research results of modern climatic conditions indicate significant warming processes observed in all seasons. Significant climatic changes for the studied territory are gaining faster pace, causing a number of problems in the socio-economic sphere, which have an impact on the country’s food security. Established trends of climatic time series of average monthly air temperature throughout the year and seasons at twenty-five meteorological stations recorded transformations of regional temperature conditions at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries (1991-2020).

Such trends in the variability of the temperature regime of the territory directly lead to further additional studies of the local and regional climate, forecasting strategies for prevention and adaptation to probable changes.

The analysis of average monthly air temperature indicators during the year for the periods 1961-1990 and 1991-2020 records a warming that covers all the presented weather stations.

Conclusions. The results of the study establish a steady trend towards warming of the regional climate during the period 1991-2020, drawing attention to measures of adaptability to it, further study and forecasting of climatic indicators. A feature is the rate of warming, characterized by significant growth rates, reflected in the restructuring of the regional climate and the global climate system.


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Author Biographies

Svitlana Reshetchenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of Physical
Geography and Cartography

Yelyzaveta Boryskina, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Magister of Geography. The Department of Physical Geography and Cartography

Yelyzaveta Hrekova, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Bachelor of the Department of Physical Geography and Cartography


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How to Cite
Reshetchenko, S., Boryskina, Y., & Hrekova, Y. (2022). Distribution of air temperature in the territory of Ukraine against the background of current climate changes. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (35), 25-31. https://doi.org/10.26565/2075-1893-2022-35-03

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