Keywords: national monetary unit, currency, currency values, methods of regulation, economic methods of currency relations regulation


The article devoted to research of economic methods of regulation of currency relations. Havin analyzed scientific sources and of practice of application  of economic regulation methods, the author proposes to determine the economic methods of regulation of currency relations as a complex of means, defined by the law of the state currently in effect, that influence the payment balance of the state and the rate of national monetary unit  by artificial stimulation of economic interest of  subjects of economic activity, which is connected with circulation currency  or currency values.

At the same time the application of economic methods of currency relations regulation is realized on the basis of current legislation as a part of monetary, credit and currency policy implemented by the station. The author also analyzes briefly the essence of the most widespread economic methods of currency relations regulation such as currency intervention; devaluation and revaluation of national monetary unit; accounting rate management; diversification of currency reserves (currency reserves management).


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Author Biography

M. V. Starynsky, Sumy State University

Associate Professor of Department of Civil and Legal Subjects and Banking Law
PhD in Law, Associate Professor
Petropavlivska St, 59, Sumy, 40007, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Starynsky, M. V. (2017). ECONOMIC METHODS OF REGULATION OF CURRENCY LEGAL RELATIONS: CONCEPT AND GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (21), 115-119. Retrieved from
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