Keywords: advocate, supervision, code ethics, law enforcement


The existence of advocate in a society was really needed. Advocate had very strategic function and role to manifest the truth and justice in law enforcement. However, it could not be denied, that advocate was directly or indirectly involved to create justice mafia and judicial corruption. Nowadays, advocate profession was more known tocase “broker” that stood right between clients and law enforcement officials (judge, prosecutor and police) as justice buyer and seller such the deviations done by advocate in prisoner jockey case at a jail in Bojonegoro, East java. The elaboration above showed the optimization supervision and enforcement advocate code of ethics were needed. Hence, advocate stayed at the law corridor zone. This research tried to review the supervision and enforcement of advocate code ethics concept. The method used was normative-sociologist approach, which reviewed as to the supervision and enforcement advocate code ethics in legislations rule as well as the advocate responsibility analysis in sociology. This research’s result stated that the supervision of advocate was the responsibility of all country’s institution and law enforcement officials, thus the aspiration to manifest law justice would be achievedand advocate contribution in law supremacy was maximized.


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How to Cite
Jonaedi Efendi, & Sulaksono. (2021). CODE ETHIC SUPERVISION AND ENFORCEMENT OF ADVOCATE IN INDONESIA. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (32).