Keywords: fingerprints, traces, scar, rumen, cicatrix, individual features (signs), common features, papillary pattern, friction ridges, papillary lines, identification, skin, disease, regeneration.


Introduction. Today, there are many statistical sources that show the number of people who have consulted with doctors about own dermatological problems, ie the dynamics of skin diseases is monitored, however, in medical institutions and law enforcement agencies you will not find any forensic accounts or statistics that would contained an array of information about people whose papillary patterns have anomalies (changes) caused by various factors other than congenital. On the one hand, this is due to a specific list of grounds for fingerprinting (part 2 article 26 of the Law of Ukraine “About National Police”, paragraph 1.3., 1.4., 1.5. of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs № 785 of September 11 year 2001 “About the validation of the Instruction on the order of functioning of the dactyloscopic account of expert service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”), on the other hand, by not giving to dactyloscopic information of this kind sufficient weight. To confirm the importance of such information for achieving the objectives of criminal proceedings, by using scientifically confirmed data we analyzed the prints of papillary patterns from the nail phalanges of the fingers on 200 dactylomaps, which were taken into accounting in the Rivne SRFC of the MIA from the different parts of Rivne region from July to September 2019, and, as a result the following is established: 1. From 200 dactylomaps of different persons on 170 these or those structural changes of papillary samples which are not connected with quality and the mechanism of dactyloscopy were detected which makes 85% of sample; 2. On 144 dactylocards out of 200, at least one papillary pattern of the nail phalanx of the finger which was reflected in the fingerprint showed the scarring changes in the structure of the skin, which is 72% of the sample; 3. On 117 dactylomaps out of 200, at least one papillary pattern of the nail phalanx of the finger which was reflected in the fingerprint represented areas without papillary lines, which is 58.5% of the sample.

Main results of the research: the article outlines the status of solving the problem of papillary patterns deformations caused by scarring processes reflected in traces. Medical and forensic statistics (which in both cases are directly related to the presence of dermatological problems in humans) with an indication of its practicality for disclosing of crimes is provided. The problem topicality is analyzed, with a proposal of ways to solve it, scientists who are engaged in a deep study of skin deformations with papillary patterns are mentioned, indicated, what amount of dactylomaps of different persons was processed to determine the percentage of probability of forensic expert to obtain information of dactyloscopic origin, which reflects the papillary pattern scar deformities, detailed forensic and medical definition of the scar are provided. Not only their types are described, but also the characteristic features that have a direct impact on the result of reflection. Papillary patterns having scar and non-scar deformities of different nature: lime burn, linear cut, flesh separation, surgery, and shapes: linear, rounded, curved, etc are illustrated with explanations in this article. Scar differences, criteria for attribution and non-attribution of neoplasms to scars, or rather - manifestations of injured dermis in the formed scars (older than six months), epidermis and tracesare are described here too. A range of possible signs of scar and scar tissue that may appear in the trace if there are sufficient conditions for such kind of trace formation are outlined. Several types of skin injuries are explained and shown in the figures (with a description of their signs), which may appear in traces and are not scars. As well, the importance of taking into account the data викладеної to enhance the positive performance of fingerprinting and state-implemented electronic systems of personal monitoring/identification is underlined.

Conclusions. The result of the research indicates the achievement of its goal. During the research, scientifically proven provisions and methods were used, deformation features of the papillary pattern caused by scars were described and illustrated, details that may appear in traces of this kind are particularized, an algorithm of defining deformed areas of the papillary pattern as scars is explained and mentioned when it should not be done, therefore, a scientifically sound mechanism for examining a dactyloscopic information, which reflects scarring of the skin, has been formed, which, in turn, increases the implementation level of the principles of completeness, objectivity, scientific validity, comprehensiveness, quality and positive resultiness of dactyloscopic examination of any scarred papillary pattern reflected in the trace.


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How to Cite
Шахрайчук, А. М. (2020). SCARRING AND ITS EFFECT ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE PAPILLARY PATTERN, REFLECTED IN THE TRACES OF DACTYLOSCOPIC ORIGIN. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (30), 123-140.
Criminal procedure and criminology; forensic examination; operational and invest