The European Union Law as a Factor of Transformation of the Legal Systems of European States: Theoretical and Legal Aspects

Keywords: legal system, transformation of the legal system, European Union, European Union law, European integration, legal ideology, Ukraine, Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union


in the article from the standpoint of the general theoretical analysis, a description of the transformational transformations that take place with the national legal systems of the states of Europe under the influence of the law of the European Union are given. There also describes the specifics of the regulatory properties of the European Union law, which stipulate a change in the structural and functional components of the national legal systems of both the member states of the Union and the countries that cooperate with it and aim to become a member of the alliance in the long term. The role of the rights of the European Union is shown as a factor of change of national legal systems of the European states in the conditions of activation of processes of association of Europe, an exit of Great Britain from the structure of the Union, influence of universal values on transformation of national legal systems of the European Union is defined, the value of the right of the European Union as prerequisites of transformation ideological components of national legal systems of the European states and other aspects is proved.


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Author Biography

O. S. Perederii, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Associate Professor of Department of State and Legal Disciplines
PhD in Law, Associate Professor
Svobody Square, 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Perederii, O. S. (2019). The European Union Law as a Factor of Transformation of the Legal Systems of European States: Theoretical and Legal Aspects. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (26), 33-37. Retrieved from
Theory and History of State and Law