the article reveals the main approaches to the legal nature of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland. It is indicated that all of them, in one way or another, mediate the relationship of the Constitutional Tribunal with the judicial branch of power and the process of administering justice. The arguments in favor of each approach are studied, their pluses and minuses are determined. Attention is drawn to the current expansion of the judicial power. On the basis of the analysis carried out, it is concluded that the special legal nature of the Constitutional Tribunal, which allows it to be recognized as a separate segment of the judiciary in the Republic of Poland. Attention is also drawn to the duality of the role of the Constitutional Tribunal in the light of the membership of the Polish Republic in the European Union.
The article reveals the main approaches of the Constitutional Tribunal’s of the Republic of Poland legal nature. It is indicated that all of these approaches have an indirectly connection between the Constitutional Tribunal and the judicial branch of power and the administer justice’s process. The arguments of usefulness of every approach are studied, their advantages and disadvantages are determined. The attention is drawn to the current content of the judicial power. According to the carried out analysis, there is made a conclusion about the special legal nature of the Constitutional Tribunal, which allows to recognize the Constitutional Tribunal as a separate element of the judiciary in the Republic of Poland. Moreover. the author pays attention to the duality of the Constitutional Tribunal’s role in the fact of Poland’s membership in the European Union.
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