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Author Guidelines

General Provisions

The Editorial Board takes into consideration papers on a broad  subjects at jurisprudence: articles (including polemical ones), translations, archival sources, reviews, reviews of books and scientific periodicals, information on events in the field of theoretical and practical jurisprudence.

Papers should a) contain an unquestionable scientific novelty; b) take into account the leading contemporary publications on the relevant philosophical problems and the history of their consideration; c) correspond to the scientific priorities of the journal; d) mainly rely on the original texts of quoted sources.

The fact of submitting the manuscript to the Journal confirms that the author agrees with the editorial policy in our Journal, the ethical principles of reviewing and editing manuscripts, the open access policy, the provisions on copyright and confidentiality.

Manuscripts can be any length. There are no restrictions on word count, number of figures, or amount of supporting information.

Manuscripts can be sent either by e-mail  to Executive Secretary or through the journal's website.


Basic Requirements for Manuscript Text

  1. Font should be Times New Roman.
  2. Kegl (font size) should be 14 pt, 1.5-spacing. Do not format text in multiple columns.
  3. The fields should be symmetrical (2-2-2-2 cm).
  4. Manuscripts should be submitted without page numbering.

Manuscript Structure

The UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index – without indentation, left alignment, in capital letters, low-fat font.

Name and surname of the author (authors) – right alignment, bold font.

Title of the manuscript – in capital letters, center alignment, bold font.


  • The Abstract should contain not less 1800 characters (with spaces), that is about 300 words. The font should be 12pt, 1.0-spacing.
  • Also you should add keywords (from 4 to 6 ones).
  • The Abstract should be structured in accordance with the manuscript text and should contain the following elements: the description of the research paper goal, the tasks of the paper, the theoretical basis, scientific novelty, results and their significance, conclusions. Each structural part of the annotation must begin with a paragraph.
  • In the Abstract it's not desirable to duplicate the text of the paper. The Abstract should not include manuscript title, citations, references and abbreviations.

Main text

  • The main text should be placed in one blank line after the Abstract. The main text also should be justified and the indent should be 1.25 cm.
  • The paper should contain the following structural elements: 1) Introduction (problem statement, relevance, purpose of the article, tasks, review of works on this issue); 2) the main results of the study; 3) conclusions , etc.

Notes (if any) should be placed in one blank line after the main text. The notes should be drawn up in a list.

References should be placed in one blank line after the text or notes, if any. The word 'REFERENCES' should be capitalized (with no colon, center alignment, bold font).

Information about the author (authors)

  • Write author names in the following order: first name, last name (surname, family name), middle name (or initials, if used). Author names will be published exactly as they appear in the manuscript file. Please double-check the information carefully to make sure it is correct!
  • Each author must have an affiliation. The affiliation includes department, university, or organizational affiliation and its location, including city, state/province (if applicable), and country. Also authors should provide an address of their affiliation and their academic degree.
  • Authors have the option to include a current address in addition to the address of their affiliation at the time of the study. The current address should be clearly labeled like 'current address'. At a minimum, the address must include the author’s current institution, city, and country.
  • If an author has multiple affiliations, provide all affiliations.
  • Authors also should provide their ORCID iDs and E-mail addresses.

Reference List

References are listed at the end of the manuscript in the alphabet order.

For each reference, you should set the 1.25 cm indent for all lines after the first.

Any and all available works can be cited in the reference list.

An example of article design.

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