Keywords: mechanism, investigator, prosecutor, investigating judge, operational units, pre-trial proceedings, procedural decision, investigative search actions


Introduction. The article considers the requirements for conducting investigative (search) actions in criminal proceedings, which include the definition of theoretical provisions, which can be described as follows: the conditions for conducting investigative (search) actions include the presence of a participant in the process who has procedural powers to conduct criminal proceedings against the suspect at the stage of pre-trial investigation; procedural grounds for conducting investigative (search) actions that indicate a suspect who has committed a criminal offense; venue under the current CPC of Ukraine; the procedure for conducting pre-trial proceedings on the basis of reasonable terms of pre-trial investigation, which includes drawing up and executing a resolution on conducting procedural, investigative (search) action, procedural form of recording the results of conducting investigative (search) action with a protocol; determination of procedural rights and responsibilities of participants in the investigative (search) action; cognitive techniques and methods of investigative (search) actions; guarantees of participation of the parties, participants of criminal proceedings during establishment of circumstances of a criminal offense.

Summary of the main research results. It is proposed to define the concept of the criminal process of Ukraine as its construction based on institutions, which determine the application of the rules governing the substantive provisions of the procedure and procedural consolidation of the fact of a criminal offense.

Conclusions. The author's definition of the mechanism of conducting investigative (search) actions in criminal proceedings is given as factual and legal grounds for applying the procedure of conducting investigative actions in dynamics, combined with the requirements of criminal procedure legislation and recommendations of forensic tactics. Ways to improve the current legislation of Ukraine are proposed.


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Author Biography

Lazarev Andriy Pavlovych, Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office

candidate of law, Head of Department logistical support and social needs Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office


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How to Cite
Lazarev Andriy Pavlovych. (2021). PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MECHANISM OF INVESTIGATIVE (SEARCH) ACTION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (32).
Criminal procedure and criminology; forensic examination; operational and invest