Keywords: human rights, the right to privacy, privacy, information privacy, US law


The level of scientific understanding of the US experience in the legal protection of information privacy does not correspond to modern technological, socio-economic, and political and legal challenges that have arisen before Ukraine. The article provides a comprehensive description of the current US legislation on the protection of information privacy in the private sector, highlights the essential features that distinguish the approaches of the American legislator in this field from others, primarily European ones, and also identify prospects for the development of American legislation, taking into account the latest threats to privacy, arising in the conditions of rapid development of information and communication technologies.

The American system of information privacy protection  primarily uses the so-called sectoral approach. The essence of this approach is that the protection of information privacy is carried out only within a specific aspect (context) of collecting or using information and is aimed at pre-defined sectors of public life or specific groups of people. Accordingly, federal laws are classified into several groups: 1) protecting privacy in the field of finance; 2) protecting  privacy in the field of education; 4) protecting privacy in health care; 5) protecting children privacy; 6) protecting consumer privacy.

The federal sectoral approach in the United States is adaptive in nature: Congress intervened to regulate information privacy when new problems arose, and it was mainly new technological developments. In other words, when a new technology threatened the information privacy or perhaps grew at an unacceptable rate, Congress provided protection through the lens of a certain sector or category of people most affected by this new technology. The US experience makes it possible to clearly understand that the protection of information privacy and what should be considered sensitive can change rapidly due to changes in the way data is collected, processed and stored by various actors.


Author Biography

V. O. Seryogin, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Professor of Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law
Doctor of Science (Law), Full Professor
Svobody Square, 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Seryogin, V. O. (2019). SECTORAL PROTECTION OF INFORMATION PRIVACY IN THE USA. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Law, (27), 55-63.
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