Specifics of Ukrainian services foreign trade with the countries of eastern Europe

Keywords: foreign trade, export, import, service, state, balance


The article examines the main trends of services foreign trade of Ukraine and the countries of Eastern Europe. Using statistical information the author analyzes the dynamics of exports and imports of services between the state and the countries of the region over the last five years. The author demonstrates the trend of exports predomination. In conclusion, the article shows positive balance of services foreign trade between Ukraine and the above mentioned states. After a detailed review the author proves that Eastern European countries are important trade partners of Ukraine. The article highlights Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic as the major partners of our country in the field of services foreign trade.


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How to Cite
Nepriadkina, N. (2017). Specifics of Ukrainian services foreign trade with the countries of eastern Europe. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (6), 50-53. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/irtb/article/view/9970