Newly industrialized countries of the «first wave» in the system of economic relations

  • Анатолій Парфіненко
  • Поліна Подлепіна
  • Ганна Кондакова
Keywords: exports, GDP, GDP per capita, imports, foreign direct investments, newly industrialized countries of the «first wave»,


The article analyzes role of the newly industrialized countries of the «first wave» in the system of economic relations. The development of newly industrialized countries is considered as an economic «phenomenon». These countries have carried out a qualitative «jump» from the backwardness to the intensive innovation development. The classification of newly industrialized countries is presented in the article. In order to locate the newly industrialized countries of the «first wave» in the global economy, the analysis of the main indicators of economic development has been carried out, such as: GDP, GDP per capita, GDP growth rate, exports and imports of goods, the share in world exports and imports of goods and services, the amount of direct foreign investment. For some indicators, these countries are ahead of the world average.


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How to Cite
Парфіненко, А., Подлепіна, П., & Кондакова, Г. (1). Newly industrialized countries of the «first wave» in the system of economic relations. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (4 (1144, 2), 146-150. Retrieved from