Сoncerning the need for formation of intellectual property competence of future specialists in local science and tourism work

Keywords: local history and tourism work, competence, intellectual property, future specialists, the field of tourism, commercialization, competitiveness


The article emphasizes the need for the formation of intellectual property competence of future specialists in the field of local history and tourism. Innovative thinking, knowledge of intellectual property objects, intellectual property legislation, effective use of intellectual property rights without infringing the rights of other authors, management and commercialization of innovative ideas are of great importance in the tourism business. The article also examines the role of intellectual property as a catalyst for the innovative development of the country and the growth of competition, especially in the perspective of foreign tourists' interest in visiting Ukraine in post-war times. The reasons due to which intellectual property affects the development of tourist work are highlighted. Examples of the use of intellectual property objects in the local history and tourism sector are given and the possibilities of using them to create new tourist products and improve the quality of services in this field, which will be used to obtain additional monetary income from tourist activity, turning it into a stimulus for economic development, are highlighted. social and cultural prosperity of the regions of Ukraine. The authors also emphasize the research of educational institutions, employers and state bodies with requests for the need to develop competence in intellectual property among future specialists in local history and tourism work and emphasize the list of challenges and perspectives related to the educational process in their preparation, which need to be solved. The need to deepen knowledge in the field of intellectual property among teachers of higher education institutions in order to teach students of various specialties, including future specialists in local history and tourism work, needs attention.





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How to Cite
Nataliia Ruban, & Yuliia Chernenko. (2023). Сoncerning the need for formation of intellectual property competence of future specialists in local science and tourism work. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (17), 174-180. https://doi.org/10.26565/2310-9513-2023-17-15