Current problems of international information security

Keywords: information security, cyber security, cyber protection, cyber crime, ransomware


The problems and areas of ensuring effective international information security are considered, which are based on the analysis of the current state of global cybercrime, the existing main directions of global cyberattacks and the development of possible methods and means of countering them, with the use of current research and reporting materials of specialized international companies specializing in the problems of international information security security and the development of appropriate comprehensive tools for its provision. The subject of research in the article is the issue of ensuring international information security, cyber protection and combating cybercrime. The goal is to analyze the current state and current problems of international information security to ensure its effective management at the state and corporate levels in various countries and regions of the world. Tasks: processing and analysis of the latest reports and conclusions concerning the current state of international information security in various countries and regions of the world; research of the main information threats, their types, current directions and sources; analysis of existing and promising directions and means of countering information threats to ensure effective international information security. The general scientific method of system analysis is used - to identify existing information and cyber threats and analyze their features, as well as to research existing and promising ways of combating them. The following results were obtained: based on the results of processing reports and the conclusions of the Microsoft Digital Defense Report concerning the current state of international information security in various countries and regions of the world, the main information threats, their types, current directions, goals and sources were investigated. Current issues of international cybercrime based on the use of ransomware, as well as the main target areas of relevant cyberattacks, have been determined. Existing and promising directions and means of countering information threats to ensure effective international information security are analyzed. The main trends in increasing the level of cyber protection and information security in the world have been determined. Conclusions: It is shown that as the number, sophistication and impact of online threats increase, to counter them, international organizations, companies and individuals must take measures to strengthen the so-called first line of defense, in particular, use strong multi-factor authentication. It was determined that at the moment there are three main trends in increasing the level of cyber protection and information security in the world: the implementation of unprecedented steps by the leading countries of the world to solve the problem of cyber security using already existing laws and powers; the adoption and introduction by governments around the world of new laws that require organizations to report on the detection of cyber attacks; voluntary notification by governments and international companies to the public when they become victims of attacks. The trend is also a further increase in the number and scope of cyber-attacks for any political purpose, be it espionage, subversion or destruction. At the same time, it is expected that more countries will join the list of those participating in offensive cyber operations, and that these operations will become more daring, persistent and disruptive, with more serious consequences. At the same time, in order to counter this, governments and international companies are making more and more efforts to counter these informational dangers.





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How to Cite
Serhii Lubenets, Igor Harchenko, & Yevhen Pavlenko. (2023). Current problems of international information security. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (17), 42-48.