Social infrastructure as a factor of sustainable development of the territory

  • Svitlana Iurchenko V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Оlena Iurchenko V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: infrastructure, social infrastructure, infrastructure functions, sustainable development of the territory


Social infrastructure plays an important role in creating conditions to meet the material and spiritual needs of the population, the reproduction of human capital, the integrated development of the territory. The subject of the research is the social infrastructure. The purpose of this article is to show the role of social infrastructure as a factor of sustainable development of the territory. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: to identify the essence and structure of social infrastructure, to show its role in the world economy and individual countries, to consider the main functions of social infrastructure. The following methods were used: descriptive, comparative to identify the essence of social infrastructure, analysis and synthesis to characterize its role in the world economy and individual countries, the system approach – to characterize the functions of social infrastructure in the sustainable development of the territory. The results obtained: it is revealed that currently there is no consensus definition of the category "social infrastructure" and its composition; it is shown that the traditional types of services are replenished by new services; the reproductive functions of social infrastructure are characterized. Conclusions: social infrastructure is actively developing in the world, which makes a significant contribution to GDP and employment of the population, sustainable development of the territory. However, the level of its development depends on a number of internal and external factors. It is necessary to develop an effective policy of social infrastructure development in each country of the world and its subregions.





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How to Cite
Svitlana Iurchenko, & Оlena Iurchenko. (2022). Social infrastructure as a factor of sustainable development of the territory. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (15), 139-145.