Factors analysis slowing down the recovery of international tourism after COVID-2019

Keywords: international tourism, COVID-2019, war in Ukraine, international tourist arrivals, recovery of international tourism


Taking into account the significant impact of tourism on the development of society and the current crisis, the study of factors affecting the speed of its recovery requires great attention. Previous outbreaks of infectious diseases were smaller in scale, so their impact on international tourism was local. In addition, the current state of society has new circumstances. The subject of the study is the modern factors of recovery of international tourism after COVID-2019. The goal is to study the current features of the recovery of tourism after COVID-2019 and to determine the factors that slow it down. Tasks: research on the importance of international tourism, the impact of COVID-2019 on its development and the identification of negative factors for recovery. The method of systematic review of scientific publications on this topic, as well as informative materials of various international organizations, was used in the research process. The results of calculations of relative indicators of the development of international tourism are presented using a graphical method based on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Research results have shown that international tourism is recovering after COVID-2019 at a rather slow pace. Quarantine measures, the emergence of a new strain of the virus, economic factors and the war in Ukraine are preventing faster recovery. Conclusions: the main risk for the recovery of international tourism is Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, which has a negative impact on the recovery of international tourism due to flight bans, rising oil prices, and disruption of food supply chains. In the near future, this will affect the decrease in incomes of the population and the reduction of the number of jobs and, as a result, the decrease in the tourist flow. The increase in oil prices requires the transition to renewable energy sources and the introduction of energy-saving technologies. This reinforces the need for greening the tourism industry and requires increased investment, as well as the application of a comprehensive policy aimed at increasing the number of international tourists and expanding the use of clean energy.





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How to Cite
Tetyana Kalaitan, Oleh Hrymak, Lesya Kushnir, Ruslana Shurpenkova, & Oksana Sarakhman. (2022). Factors analysis slowing down the recovery of international tourism after COVID-2019. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (15), 102-114. https://doi.org/10.26565/2310-9513-2022-15-11