Study of artificial intelligence tools in the management of the behavior of economic agents in the digital space at enterprises

Keywords: HR, management, economic agents, personnel management, enterprise


The relevance of the study of artificial intelligence tools in managing the behavior of economic agents in the digital space at enterprises is substantiated, which made it possible to form a clearer understanding of modern artificial intelligence tools and to investigate the connections between subjects and objects of economic relations in the digital space. The subject of research in the article is the existing tools of artificial intelligence tools in managing the behavior of economic agents in the digital space at enterprises. The purpose of the article is to research the tools of artificial intelligence in managing the behavior of economic agents in the digital space at enterprises of Ukraine. The task: the study of personnel management tools that use artificial intelligence in their work algorithms, the construction of a scheme of relations between the object and the subject of management in the information space. General scientific methods are used: system analysis - to determine the features of artificial intelligence tools in managing the behavior of economic agents in the digital space at enterprises, structural (functional) analysis - to identify the main functions of artificial intelligence tools, information modeling methodology - to develop an information scheme of subjects and objects of economic relations in the digital space. The results were obtained: a study of artificial intelligence tools in managing the behavior of economic agents in the digital space at enterprises was conducted, an information scheme of subjects and objects of economic relations in the digital space was built. Conclusions: The study of existing artificial intelligence tools for personnel management proves that today researchers and developers have done a lot of work to implement artificial intelligence tools in the management of economic agents in enterprises, but all existing systems have many shortcomings in their work, which makes these tools inaccessible to the majority enterprises, so a promising direction will be the analysis and development of the own system for managing the behavior of economic agents in the digital space with the help of artificial intelligence tools, which will allow combining all the needs of Ukrainian enterprises in the direction of personnel management in one system.





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How to Cite
Bohdan Logvinenko. (2022). Study of artificial intelligence tools in the management of the behavior of economic agents in the digital space at enterprises. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (15), 45-53.