Innovative development of Ukraine in the context of implementation of the association with EU

Keywords: Association Agreement with EU, european integration, indicators of the level of innovation development, innovation potential


The signing of the Association Agreement in 2014 provides for the development of innovation cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, so it is appropriate to analyze the development of innovation in Ukraine since the signing to assess the effectiveness of the agreement and identify weaknesses and strengths of Ukraine as an innovator and make appropriate recommendations. The object of the research of the article is the innovative development of country and accordingly the subject is the current state of the innovative development of Ukraine in the conditions of implementation of the Association agreement with Europen Union. The goal of the research is to determine the level of innovation development in Ukraine, highlight the main advantages and disadvantages and provide appropriate recommendations for improving the conditions of innovation development in the country in the framework of the Association Agreement.  To achieve the goal of the the research analysis of the dynamics of indicators that characterize the level of innovation development in the country since the signing of the Agreement was conducted.  The database is international rankings such as the Global Innovation Index, the Bloomberg Innovation Index, the Global Competitiveness Index and the EU Innovation Scoreboard. Results: based on the analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the level of innovation development in Ukraine, weaknesses that prevent Ukraine from realizing its innovation potential are identified and a correlation coefficient to assess the relationship between GDP per capita and the level of innovation development is calculated. Conclusions: despite the current Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, which should stimulate the development of technology in Ukraine, the level of innovative development in the country still remains low and lags far behind the level of EU states. Thus, Ukraine does not take full advantage of the Association Agreement. The given recommendations for increasing the level of innovation development in Ukraine based on european experience should help develop a strategy for the creation and implementation of innovations, find ways to increase the competitiveness of the Ukraine’s economy by implementation its innovation potential.


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How to Cite
Matyushenko, I., & Redko, N. (2020). Innovative development of Ukraine in the context of implementation of the association with EU. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (11), 69-80.