Assessment of the social component of the effectiveness of the transition to alternative energy sources

Keywords: green economy, ecology, energy saving, alternative energy, stimulation, social effect


Energy conservation is a key focus of the green economy. The correct energy conservation policy of a country can significantly increase its competitiveness of the national economy. The aim of the article is a meaningful definition of the energy saving process, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the social component of the effectiveness of the transition to alternative energy sources. Objective: study of one of the promising measures of energy conservation policy - attracting renewable energy sources in economic activity. General scientific methods are used: system analysis - to determine the features of the development of energy saving in Ukraine, comparative analysis to formalize the cause-effect relationships of the studied factors of the influence of renewable energy sources on the country's economic activity. It is determined that energy saving should be understood as the process of ensuring the rational use of energy resources in economic activity with minimizing environmental damage through the implementation of a set of measures (regulatory, scientific, practical, financial, economic, organizational, technical, informational, educational and innovative). The classification of measures in the field of energy conservation is systematized. In order to stimulate the development of "green" energy in the regions, the need is substantiated, together with the calculation of economic and environmental effects, to assess the social effect of the introduction of alternative energy. Conclusions: the proposed approach for calculating the social effect of the use of renewable energy sources is based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics that affect social changes in society during the transition to renewable energy sources. The proposed formula for assessing the social effect is of significant economic importance and can be used to justify the effectiveness of the development of renewable energy.


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How to Cite
Perevozova, I., Shylovtseva, N., & Maksimenko, T. (2020). Assessment of the social component of the effectiveness of the transition to alternative energy sources. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (10), 167-174.