International investment activity of Ukraine. Problems and perspectives of its formation

Keywords: investment activity, international investments, problems and perspectives, Ukraine, peculiarities of development


The main approaches to the international investment activity of Ukraine, problems and prospects of investment activity are descriptive, therefore the development of international investments in the world economy was analized; defined possibilities of using international investments in connection with ensuring economic growth; the volume of direct foreign investments into the Ukrainian economy from the countries of the world were investigated; defined problems of development of the international investment activity of Ukraine and ways of its solution. The subject of the research is theoretical, methodological and analytical basis of Ukraine's investment activity, prospects for its development. The goal is to invent key obstacles to the development of Ukraine's international investment activity. The purpose of study is to research the international investment activity of Ukraine, the place and role of the country in the world investment market. Common scientific methods are used, such as system analysis, to determine the peculiarities of the development of foreign direct investment in Ukraine, factor analysis, to formalize the causal relationships between the investigated factors of problems. The following results were obtained: based on the analysis of the dynamics of foreign direct investment in Ukraine and the assessment of the obstacles to investing, identified problem aspects and identified components of Ukraine's international investment activity, factors affecting the level of direct foreign investment inflow to Ukraine. Conclusions: the problems and prospects of the development of international investment activity of Ukraine can be effectively used in foreign economic activity as recommendations for determining the strategy of improving the foreign economic situation of the country and competitiveness on the world market.


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How to Cite
Kazakova, N., & Dobroskok, A. (2020). International investment activity of Ukraine. Problems and perspectives of its formation. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (10), 132-138.