Ukrainian geo-conflict position: neighbourhood level

Keywords: geo-conflictology, geo-conflict situation of Ukraine, international relations, neighbouring countries


The modern world is quite unpredictable, trends of the world order of the 21st century testify to the ever-increasing global security crisis. Violations of international law, hybrid wars, and the globalization of certain political conflicts have a particularly negative impact on the security of such regional countries as Ukraine. In such circumstances, our state should clearly be aware of the level of danger of its own geopolitical position and Ukraine’s attitude to existing and potential sources of conflict, in order to timely respond to national security challenges. The article describes the geo-conflict situation of Ukraine, its peculiarities and the relations with neighbouring countries through the lens of conflict. The subject of the research are bilateral relations between Ukraine and neighbouring countries in the context of conflict prevention, regulation and resolution. The goal of the work is to reveal the essence of Ukraine's geo-conflict situation at the neighbourhood level. The objectives: to evaluate the geo-conflict situation of Ukraine at the neighbourhood level; characterize existing conflicts between Ukraine and neighbouring countries; to analyse potential sources of conflict between Ukraine and neighbouring countries. General scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, hypothetical method. The following results were obtained: this research analysed the factors that influence the geo-conflict situation of Ukraine. This made it possible to characterize the geo-conflict situation of Ukraine and to identify its problematic sides. The results of the research can be used by writing the concept of Ukrainian foreign policy and further exploration of this topic. Conclusions: The Ukrainian geo-conflict situation at the present stage can be described as unstable and rather tense. This is due to the presence of a number of historical, current (active), frozen and potential conflicts with neighbours.



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How to Cite
Panasenko, H., & Kovalchuk, S. (2020). Ukrainian geo-conflict position: neighbourhood level. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (10), 36-40.