Innovative infrastructure development prospects of Southeast Asia countries and Ukraine in the context of the new industrial revolution

  • Igor Matyushenko V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Maria Tverdokhliebova V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: innovative infrastructure, the fourth industrial revolution, innovative potential


In the global economy, the foundation of which is increasingly knowledge, the innovation infrastructure becomes the engine of economic growth, it will become the lever that will help transform the economic recovery into long-term growth. The purpose of the article is to analyze the characteristics of the development of the innovation infrastructure of the leading countries of Southeast Asia and to develop recommendations for Ukraine in the context of the new industrial revolution. The article has set and solved the following tasks: to analyze the features of the transformation of the innovation infrastructure in the countries-technological leaders in the conditions of the new industrial revolution both in Southeast Asia and in other developed countries; explore the features of innovation policy and infrastructure of the leading countries of Southeast Asia on the example of Japan, South Korea and China; perform correlation and regression analysis for modeling and forecasting the development of the innovation potential of the countries of Southeast Asia and Ukraine; to assess the prospects for the development of innovation infrastructure in the countries of South-East Asia and to develop recommendations for Ukraine in the conditions of the new industrial revolution. The research methodology includes the processing and study of statistical information, the implementation of trend analysis, the calculation of the model of development of innovative potential by the method of correlation and regression analysis. The results of the trend analysis showed that from Ukraine and the leading countries of Southeast Asia, China has the best prospects for the development of innovative infrastructure. During the correlation-regression analysis, the strongest dependence was revealed when calculating indicators for China between GDP and indicators of the Innovation Infrastructure group. Prospects for the implementation of a new industrial revolution in the leading countries of South-East Asia and Ukraine were identified and recommendations for Ukraine were developed. Conclusions. For the successful development of the innovation infrastructure in Ukraine, the following measures can be applied: attracting investment in R & D and innovation centers; attracting universities to research and development; strengthening environmental policy; concentration of innovation in industry; development of the IT sector.



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How to Cite
Matyushenko, I., & Tverdokhliebova, M. (2020). Innovative infrastructure development prospects of Southeast Asia countries and Ukraine in the context of the new industrial revolution. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (10), 24-35.