Innovation cooperation between Ukraine and Scandinavian Countries under conditions of a new industrial revolution

Keywords: innovation cooperation, Ukraine, Scandinavian countries, high-tech trade, comparative advantages in export


The current experience of building up a global economic system in the context of a new industrial revolution proves that economic growth and the competitiveness of the leaders of the state are mainly conditioned by the strengthening of the role of innovation. Therefore, the study of innovation cooperation between Scandinavian countries, both technological leaders and Ukraine is extremely relevant. The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of cooperation between Ukraine and the Scandinavian countries and provide recommendations for its development. The article set out and solved the following tasks: to characterize features of innovative development and prospects of cooperation in this area of the specified countries; to estimate comparative advantages in high-tech trade between them; identify prospects and develop recommendations for innovative cooperation between Ukraine and the Scandinavian countries. The materials and methods used to achieve the research goal were: statistical method, comparative analysis, comparison and extrapolation method. As a result of the study, it was discovered that the main directions of innovation cooperation of these countries are innovation-investment projects, technical assistance initiatives, experience transfer and technologies. Cooperation is mainly implemented in energy, information technology, education, science and high-tech trade. Ukraine has competitive advantages in the export of goods in the aerospace industry, information and communication services to the Scandinavian countries. Conclusions  In order to deepen innovation cooperation between Ukraine and Scandinavian countries, it is expedient: (1) to expand the areas of cooperation in joint infrastructure projects, in the aerospace and pharmaceutical industries, and the production of components for automobiles; (2) joint research on biotechnology and nanotechnology; (3) concluding agreements in order to establish partnerships between the universities of the specified countries; (4) the introduction of state support to the aerospace industry and the creation of scientific and production clusters in this field; (5) further development and diversification of the Ukrainian IT market and interaction with Scandinavian countries in this area.



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How to Cite
Matyushenko, I., Prasol, O., & Sargsyan, E. (2020). Innovation cooperation between Ukraine and Scandinavian Countries under conditions of a new industrial revolution. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (10), 11-23.