Research of the system of relationship with contractors as an element of evaluation of the efficiency of the activity of the enterprise

Keywords: relationship system, contractors, oil and gas enterprises, customer satisfaction, customer expectations


In the conditions of high level of instability and market uncertainty, it is necessary to continuously develop and improve mechanisms for increasing the stability, effective management of enterprises, and the formation of new ties. The increase of possible variants of interaction in the modern socio-economic environment requires the expansion of the methodological apparatus and tools for studying the relationship between contractors. The subject of research in the article is the applied aspects of evaluating the relationship management system with contractors of oil and gas enterprises. The purpose of the study is to summarize the theoretical and methodological principles, the development of methodological and practical recommendations for evaluating the system of interaction with contractors of oil and gas enterprises. The task: to describe the methodical approach to the formation of a system for managing relationships with counterparties of the enterprise. General scientific methods of modeling modeling, variation, integral calculus and economic analysis are used to study the system of relationships with counterparties of oil and gas enterprises; system approach and structural-logical analysis - to present the results. The following results were obtained: a universal method for assessing the satisfaction of counterparties and the system of interaction with them was developed, in which, unlike the existing ones, the modified 10-point Staple scale and the model of “discontinuities” were used as analysis tools. the level of their actual satisfaction establish the correspondence of the ratio between the indicators of "satisfaction", "expectation", determine the rating of the importance of indicators for consumers oil, and on its basis to set indicators to focus attention units of oil and gas enterprises in the total enterprise management system to achieve a common goal - to strengthen customer relationships and a corresponding increase in profits as a result of economic agreements with them. Conclusions: as a result of analyzing the gaps between the counterparties' expectations and the level of their actual satisfaction, it was found that the indicators for which satisfaction was rated highly have a high rating of importance for consumers, as well as certain indicators for which significance exceeds satisfaction and, therefore, needs improvement.


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How to Cite
DalіakN. (2019). Research of the system of relationship with contractors as an element of evaluation of the efficiency of the activity of the enterprise. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (9), 100-108.