The development trends of the restaurant industry of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization

Keywords: tourism, restaurant, restaurant business, catering, restaurant chains, franchising


The article considers modern tendencies, problems and development of restaurant economy of Ukraine in conditions of globalization. The problems and prospects of the Ukrainian food industry development at the present stage have been analyzed. The restaurant business as a component of tourism have been considered. The structure and dynamics of the development of the food industry in Ukraine have been considered. The restaurant chains as a promising form of the restaurant industry organization in Ukraine have been revealed. The main methods of the study were the systematic analysis aimed to identify the main trends in the restaurant industry, and the statistical analysis aimed to study the dynamics of the development changes in the restaurant business of Ukraine. The subject of research of the article is analysis of the current state and trends of the restaurant business in Ukraine in the context of globalization processes. The goal of this study is to identify the features of the restaurant business of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization. The main methods of the study were system analysis - to identify the main trends of the restaurant industry, statistical analysis to study the dynamics of changes in the development of restaurant economy in Ukraine. The following results were obtained: the restaurant business, as the main part of the hospitality industry, consists of powerful enterprises that produce a wide range of food products and small private enterprises: restaurants, cafes, bars. Conclusions:еvery year, new forms and types of catering, from fast food to high-quality restaurants are appears in Ukraine. But the issue of the restaurant industry development, its rates, and the dynamics of growth, demand from consumers in the context of their preferences remains relevant.



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How to Cite
Shamara, I., & Semenov, M. (2019). The development trends of the restaurant industry of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (8), 204-210.