Current state, problems and prospects of the development of the Ukraine’s tourism service market

Keywords: tourism, tourist serves, tourist resources, tourist market, tourist flows, tourist industry, tourists


 The article deals with the current state, problems and prospects of the development of the tourist services market in Ukraine. It is analyzed that for the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine there are all prerequisites. So, having a favorable geopolitical location, Ukraine has a significant recreational potential: favorable climatic conditions, diverse relief, a network of transport connections, cultural heritage. The priority directions of the inbound and domestic tourism development have been revealed as an important factor of life improving quality in Ukraine, as a creation of additional jobs, replenishment of the state currency reserves and its credibility in the international arena increase. The subject of research of the article is that tourism industry in Ukraine, as well as the whole world, is an important component of socio-economic development. The goal of this study is to identify the features, problems and prospects of the tourism services market in Ukraine.  The main research methods were selected are statistical analysis of tourist flows, SWOT-analysis of the state and development of tourism in Ukraine. The following results were obtained: Ukraine has enough problems related to the development of the tourism industry. Inefficient use of resources, inconsistency of tourism industry with international standards, lack of developed infrastructure, low quality of services, lack of investment and information about hotels, sanatoriums, country tours and services not provided at the world level. Conclusions: actual and prospective for Ukraine is the further study of the international experience of tourism management, the study of the role of the non-state tourism sector, issues of sustainable development and mechanisms for stimulating innovation and investment in tourism in context of the present global development.



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How to Cite
Shamara, I., & Azarova, K. (2019). Current state, problems and prospects of the development of the Ukraine’s tourism service market. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (8), 196-203.