The capital of Ukraine as a perspective market of inbound tourism

Keywords: Kyiv tourist market, international tourism, transport infrastructure, online travel, visa liberalization


The article analyzes the inbound and domestic tourism market of the capital of Ukraine Kyiv as a priority target audience of consumers of the all-Ukrainian tourist product. The subject of research of the article is the capital of Ukraine as a perspective market of inbound tourism. The main goal of this article is to research the Kyiv tourist market in the context of the development and implementation of tourism strategies of Ukraine as a whole, as well as other Ukrainian cities. In addition, it is important to analyze the foreign visitors and their behavior for more systematic work on the development of the tourism industry in the country. Another part is to determine the preferences of internal Kyiv tourists, which must necessarily be taken into account when creating target tourism products for the citizens of Kyiv. The objectives are to analyze the features of railway and aviation communication between Kyiv and other countries, to research the dynamics of statistical indicators, as well as the results of economic activity of tourism industry subjects of the city of Kyiv, to represent the results of marketing research of the socio-demographic indicators of foreign and domestic visitors of the capital, their goals of travel, terms of stay, sources of information about Kyiv and the amount of travel expenses. The result of the research is the SWOT-analysis of Kyiv in terms of the tourist attractiveness, challenges and opportunities of the capital. The conclusions are the main recommendations for subject of tourism activity of Kyiv for increasing the tourist flows to Kyiv, namely: improving of the image of the capital and neutralizing the reputation of a dangerous city; clear targeting of the consumer market; creation of a competitive tourist product for certain categories of tourists; holding a large number of world-class events in the capital; training of Chinese-speaking guides as well as personnel of service facilities; promotion of accommodations to get official category; legalization of the casino as a significant factor in increasing of the tourist attractiveness of the destination; creation of convenient public transport logistics and navigation in three languages (Ukrainian, English, Chinese); improvement of amenities; establishment of infrastructure for active recreation, people with disabilities and for children.



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How to Cite
Romanova, A. (2019). The capital of Ukraine as a perspective market of inbound tourism. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (8), 186-195.