Innovations: experience of ukrainian company

  • Oleg Boichenko National technical university of "Kharkiv polytechnic institute". Avenue Peremogi 75/194, Kharkiv, 61174
Keywords: innovations, structure of personnel management, industrial automation, commercial service


This article studies the transition from the regional principle of work to the industrial one. It offers changes in the relevant service structures. This article shows new interconnections inside the commercial service and within the units that provide and serve. We conclude that these structures should be improved from the standpoint of the needs of customers in integrated industrial automation systems. One of the important measure is the process of training and increasing the skills and motivation of the staff, as well as the services which take part in changing the working patterns. All this increases the efficiency of the company through the development of sales markets



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How to Cite
Boichenko, O. (2018). Innovations: experience of ukrainian company. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (7), 80-86.