Causes of modern dіsintegration processes: EU experience

Keywords: disintegration processes, integration processes, integration associations, dependence, supranational institutions


The article analyzes the main causes of modern disintegration processes in a globalized world. Integration and its opposite - deintegration - coexist in the modern world simultaneously or change each other at each stage of development of countries and integration associations. If integration allows the benefits of combining disparate parts into a single whole from the complementarity of the economies of the participating countries, then disintegration weakens their mutual dependence. There are different types and manifestations of disintegration, due to internal and external causes.

According to the results of a poll that funded by the European Commission five of the most important problems facing the EU countries in the process of further integration were identified in the year 2016.

The article concludes that these problems today are the main reasons for the contradictions between decisions of national and supranational institutions in the integration union, the loss of confidence in the latter from the EU population, which does not feel a sense of inclusion in decision making and the ability to influence the activities of supranational authorities


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How to Cite
Dovgal, G. (2018). Causes of modern dіsintegration processes: EU experience. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (7), 35-40.