Merchandising and its role in the modern restaurant business

Keywords: restaurant management, marketing, merchandising, visual merchandising, communicative merchandising


The article deals with the components of merchandising systems and its role in the formation of the competitive restaurant business today; reveals the basic prerequisites of merchandising and its definition.; analyses techniques of the visual merchandising and communication merchandising that is used in the restaurants, and their possible impact on the visitors behavior. The author studies the rapid development of the restaurant industry, the constant opening of new facilities, increasing competition that makes the extremely important usage of merchandising. The paper considers basic components of the system of merchandising in the restaurant sector. The author considers The effectiveness of the merchandising techniques application for the restaurants depends on fundamental principles and rules of merchandising


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How to Cite
Shamara, I. (1). Merchandising and its role in the modern restaurant business. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (6), 212-215. Retrieved from