The issues of rational use of natural resource potential of the western region of Ukraine
The present article deals with the current state of natural resource potential (NRP) of the Western region of Ukraine and the main challenges in line with eurointegration processes and rational environmental management. The place of region in total Ukraine’s NRP and its internal structure in section of six oblasts: Lviv, Zakarpattya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Volyn, Rivne, Ternopil and Khmelnytsky are analyzed. Land resources of the region, which constitute approximately half of the total value of NRP are characterized. Tendency of reduction of arable land in the region is grounded and problems of land valuation are considered. The growing role of water resources and its national and international importance is investigated. Biological potential of the region, which is representing mainly by forest resources are studied. Forest fund of region, its square, structure and stand of timber are characterized. The problem of illegal deforestation on large areas of the Western region of Ukraine was described with particular attention. Special attention is paid to the growing role of recreational resources of the region, similar in structure to the appropriate resources of neighboring European countries. Western region is a leader for protected areas in Ukraine (about 40% of total area of nature reserve fund). The current state of mineral resources, the importance of which for the Western region needs revaluation is considered. A significant share of mineral resources is characterized by the depletion of deposits and their exploitation unprofitable. The authors detected territorial combination of natural resources, that centralize close in space one to others. Ten local territorial combinations in the mountainous part of the Western Region are allocated. New trends in the use of NRP and prospects of renewable energy in the region are studied. The authors predict an increase in the role of recreation and water resources and rising land prices. The problem of low investment attraction, that should be solved based on the cross-border position of the Western region is analyzed.
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