The biogeological history of the earth. Scenarios of technogene

  • Г. І. Рудько Государственная комиссия Украины по запасам полезных ископаемых, г. Киев
  • А. Р. Бала
Keywords: biosphere, biota, geodynamics, geological environment, environmental safety, environmental disaster, stratigraphic unit


The biogeological history of the earth as a process of continuous transformation and adaptation from the primary forms of life and till its current state had been considered in the present article.

The development of life on the earth had started due to the changes of geological processes, changes of the chemical composition of the atmosphere and the aquatic environment, within the period of global catastrophe. As a result of more than 3.8 billion years the anthropogenic system «human – geological and related environment» was formed; it transformed the biosphere in accordance with the needs of human, creating the precedent of inconsistency between human needs and biosphere resources.

The basic scenarios of human and biosphere development within the technogene were defined. The results of studies helped to identify the biogeological conditions of the earth life. The article investigates scenarios of technogene development as well as the role of human under the conditions of intensive biosphere transformation due to the anthropogenic activities.


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How to Cite
Рудько, Г. І., & Бала, А. Р. (1). The biogeological history of the earth. Scenarios of technogene. Man and Environment. Issues of Neoecology, (3-4), 59-70. Retrieved from